home remedies for sore throat

If you have these symptoms, or if you have a sore throat lasting more than two or three days, it makes good sense to see a doctor. For mild sore throats that accompany a cold or allergy, there are soothing remedies using common household items that can stand alone or work side by side with traditional medicine to stifle that soreness. Get started with the first home remedy on the next page.

A sore throat can be a minor but annoying ailment, or it can be a symptom of a serious illness. Causes range from a stuffy nose or a cold to strep throat, a bacterial throat infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Since untreated strep throat can lead to rheumatic fever and scarlet fever, it's important to get medical help as early as possible into the illness. Along with producing severe soreness in your gullet, strep throat may be accompanied by fever, body aches and pains and malaise.

Viral infection
s, like colds or the flu. Often accompanied by fever, achy muscles and runny nose, viral infections can't be cured, but their symptoms can be treated. A sore throat from a viral source will generally disappear on its own within several days.
Bacterial infection, especially from streptococcal bacteria (strep throat). Symptoms are much like those of a viral infection but may be more severe and long lasting. Often a bacterial infection is accompanied by headache, stomachache and swollen glands in the neck. A strep infection is generally treated with antibiotics because permanent heart or kidney damage can result. Culturing the bacteria is the only way a doctor can determine the cause of the sore throat.

While those are the primary reasons for a sore throat, there are others, including:
Acid reflux
Dry air, especially at night when you may sleep with your mouth open
Mouth breathing
Throat abuse: singing, shouting, coughing
Polyps or cancer
Infected tonsils
Food allergy

Natural sore throat remediesBefore you go running to a doctor, try these simple but effective natural home remedies to battle a sore throat

Natural sore throat remedies

A sore throat burns, feels scratchy and may cause pain that makes it hard to talk or swallow. The usual cause is a virus or bacteria, though throat irritation may also be caused by smoking, dry heat, postnasal drip or an allergic reaction. Try these sore throat remedies to feel better fast.
What you can do for a sore throat

• For fast and effective sore-throat relief, nothing beats an old-fashioned saltwater gargle. Salt acts as a mild antiseptic, and also draws water out of mucous membranes in the throat, which helps to clear phlegm. Dissolve a half-teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water, gargle and spit out. Repeat up to four times a day.

• Alternatively, gargle with a baking-soda solution. Dissolve one-half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

• Run a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom. Adding moisture to the air will help keep the air from drying out and prevent the lining of your throat from becoming too dry. If you don’t have a humidifier, place a bowl of water on your radiator or heating vent each night. It will work as well as a store-bought device.

• Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke is extremely irritating to the lining of the throat.Breathe through your nose, rather than your mouth. It’s a natural way to humidify the air you breathe.

• If you’re plagued with a sore throat that seems to come back time and time again, buy a new toothbrush. Bacteria collect on the bristles, and if you injure your gums as you brush, they can enter your system and re-infect you.
• Bolster your immune system during cold and flu season with vitamins, herbs and good nutrition. The obvious supplement candidates are vitamins C and E, the minerals zinc and magnesium, and immune-boosting herbs such as goldenseal and astragalus. Also cook or supplement with garlic, ginger, shiitake mushrooms and reishi mushrooms, all of which have immune-boosting properties.
More sore throat remedies

• Honey has long been used as a sore-throat remedy. It has antibacterial properties, which can help speed healing. It also acts as a hypertonic osmotic, which means that it draws water out of inflamed tissue. This reduces the swelling and discomfort. Add several teaspoons to 1 cup of hot water or herbal tea.

• Hot lemonade with honey can also relieve pain. Combine the juice of half a lemon with hot water.

• Horehound reduces the swelling of inflamed throat tissue. It also thins mucus, which makes it easier for you to clear it from your throat. To make the tea, steep 2 teaspoons chopped herb in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes; strain and drink.

• Slippery elm contains mucilage that coats the throat and eases the soreness. Steep 1 teaspoon of the inner bark in 2 cups boiling water, strain and drink.

• Like slippery elm bark, marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) contains throat-coating mucilage. To make the tea, steep 2 teaspoons dried herb in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes; strain and drink. Drink three to five cups a day to help a sore throat.

• Take vitamin C three times a day. Whether your sore throat is caused by a cold, the flu or strep, this vitamin will help boost your immune system and fight off infection. Reduce the dose if you develop diarrhea.

• Echinacea. This herb’s antibacterial and antiviral properties will speed healing.

• Garlic, as another aid to fight off infection. Dried garlic has potent antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

• Zinc lozenge. In one study, people who sucked on a lozenge containing about 13 milligrams of zinc every two hours got rid of viral sore throats three to four days quicker than those who didn’t. But too much zinc can actually compromise immunity, which is why you shouldn’t take the lozenges for a long time.

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