First impressions count even online ON your website

Well, it’s true – first impressions count for a great deal – especially in marketing. This is because, the first impression a business or a person creates with a potential client, is what forms the foundation of their relationship with them.

If that relationship is built on a bad foundation, it will fail. After all, no one buys from a person or business that they have a ‘bad feeling’ about.

For example

I was contacted online last week by a total stranger via my Twitter account. This person’s initial message to me wasn’t an introduction or even a simple hello – it was a full on sales pitch! What was this person trying to sell? I have no idea! I just deleted his message as soon as it was clear what he was doing.

Approaching a total stranger with a sales pitch, instead of a friendly introduction, demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of how sales and marketing works!

Affiliates beware

Sadly, this kind of shoddy marketing is used by the huge majority of small, online businesses. I get emails on a daily basis from strangers who want me to become ‘an affiliate’ of their latest ‘wonder product.’ Even though these people have not bothered to call me or build a relationship with me, they expect me to attach my good name to their business and product – neither of which I know anything about!

If you want to make a stack of sales online or offline, make sure YOU focus on creating a great initial impression in the mind of your target market! Then, ensure that everything you do builds positively upon that strong foundation.

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