The Link Between Stress and Weight Gain

Health experts have been telling us since the 1950's that the solution to our obesity is simple: 'Eat less and exercise more'. This is obviously not working and something must missing! Well, here it is: Stress causes weight gain and here are just a few quick reasons why:
When you're stressed you eat more (and usually more junk food.)
When you're stressed you exercise less because you 'don't have the time.'
When you're stressed you are constantly tired and yet can't get a good night's sleep, which has been proven to cause weight gain.

Here is some science behind the fact; when we get locked into a stressed state we are constantly producing the hormone 'Cortisol' (also known as the 'death hormone'.) Cortisol exposure leads to increased appetite and increased belly fat, because our body's natural mechanism to fight stress is to begin storing reserves for what might have been a very long winter, thousands of years ago, a scarcity of food or some other natural stressful state our ancestors would have encountered. Fat cells even have an enzyme called HSD that increases Cortisol levels within the cell as a way to encourage more fat storage, so you can see how the problem begins to beget more problems. An over-production of Cortisol can even destroy brain cells.

Hundreds of millions of people have tried the 'eat right' and 'exercise' routine. These two approaches are vital but the key to true health and optimal weight is living a less stressed life. Stress management is the one weight loss strategy that society hasn't addressed. It is so dangerous to live in a constantly stressed state because it begins a downward spiral of chain reactions that compound over time. Look at the list below to see if you can relate to any of these symptoms:

Elevated Cortisol levels, caused by constant stress, leave you with the following conditions:
Increased appetite and food cravings
Increased body fat
Decreased muscle mass
Decreased bone density
Increased anxiety
Increased depression
Mood swings
Reduced libido (sex drive)
An impaired immune response
Memory and learning impairment
Increased symptoms of PMS (which also leads to an increased appetite)
Increased menopausal side effects (hot flashes, nights sweats)

Of course the scary fact is that not only will stress and increased Cortisol levels cause weight gain, when you're stressed you are more likely to have a heart attack, higher blood pressure, become depressed, have the flu more often, and have less sex. What a dismal picture! Stress and weight gain are clinically linked, and are at the root of all these issues. You can change your life in a very short time by addressing the correct root of these problems, so I encourage you to begin assessing how stressed you are, and begin making changes today. You won't regret it!


Bruce Fulford is a Board Certified Alphabioticist and founded the Alphabiotic Balance Center, in Venice, Los Angeles. Bruce studied at the International Alphabiotics Academy in Dallas, Texas, and was fortunate enough to land an internship with one of the world's leading Alphabioticists, and his

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