3 Diet Myths

In today's world there is a lot of pressure to be thin. The media tells us that if we want to land the right job, catch the right man or be successful in life we must be thin. This is simply not true! When I look around I see many successful people of all body types that are married and have great jobs. There is nothing wrong with being thin; we just can't base our success on it.
Sometimes we even begin to believe that we must be skinny in order to achieve a meaningful relationship. We may even avoid relationships in fear of being hurt. Being thin does not automatically lead to success or a meaningful relationship. We should remove this myth and begin to live life to the fullest now.
Myth 2 - It is Hard to Diet
Many times when we have an unhealthy relationship with food, we think that we are overweight because dieting is too hard for us. This thought pattern occurs because most of the diets that we have tried have ended in failure. We should not feel guilty when a diet does not lead to permanent weight loss. In fact, 95% of diets fail, and dieters end up regaining the weight. This is because most diets are require us to deprive our bodies of certain foods.
We are not overweight because dieting is hard; we are overweight because diets do work, especially when we have a negative relationship with food. We can find a more permanent solution to weight loss by not dieting at all. Instead we need to learn to listen to our bodies in regards to the foods we should eat. The key is to eat when you hungry and stop eating when you are full.
Myth 3- I am Overweight because I Love to Eat
Eating can be a great thing! We enjoy meals together with our family. We often celebrate with our friends around a dinner table or at a restaurant. Food can be very enjoyable! You may think that you are overweight because you love to eat. However, the issue is not how much you love food, but rather the reasons behind your eating patterns.
The truth is that you can eat what you love and maintain a healthy weight. By working through the reasons behind your emotional eating, you can begin to enjoy a healthy relationship with food. You will enjoy your life without needing to overeat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6633338

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