New Easier Lemonade Diet

It only lasts for 2 weeks though so many people decide to try it as you can lose so much weight in a matter of only two weeks, some people have lost a staggering 20 pounds on the diet in only 14 days.

It is also a great way to get in shape for a big event like a wedding or a big birthday party, not only will you fit into the clothes that you want but you will also feel fantastic, I would recommend though that you finish the diet the day before and have some good healthy but substantial food on the big day if you are planning on drinking alcohol or you will be rather tipsy after only 1 drink!

The good news is that you can now get the Lemon cleanse in pill form so no more yucky diet drink to consume regularly! You can also eat some solid food along with the pills and with a small amount of exercise you can still lose just as much weight. The pills are also all natural just like the original diet and another benefit to this is that they are far cheaper than the liquid diet as this meant buying huge quantities of organic maple syrup which is very costly.

Although this is only to be done on a two week basis you can keep on doing it by eating healthily again for 2 months then do the lemonade diet again and keep going every 2 months until you reach your desired weight loss. Most people only use this to kick start their long term diets though and it works a treat for this purpose.

This diet not only helps you lose weight but it is also a cleanse so after the initial few days of feeling a bit groggy and having light headaches you will then feel the benefits with having more energy and also see yourself getting healthier with visibly clearer skin.

The guaranteed weight loss for this diet if followed correctly is between 5 to 17 pounds in 14 days, some people may lose more but this is only in a small percent but up to 17 pounds in two weeks is pretty amazing don't you think?

If you want to give this a go and see a slimmer you in the mirror in only 14 days then click here to read more about dieting and to get a limited offer.

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