Make Room BMI – Here’s a New Method for Calculating Body Fat

For years, body mass index (BMI) has been the most common way of measuring body fat. Calculated by multiplying weight (in pounds) by 705 and then dividing by 2x the person’s height (in inches), BMI has come under some scrutiny by medical professionals because it excludes factors such as body composition and muscle mass. As a result, a muscular person may incorrectly be considered obese by traditional calculations.

That’s why some researchers are now using waist to height ratio, as they believe it may be a simpler and more accurate way to measure a person’s body fat, as well as diagnosing health risk. If the ratio of your waist circumference to height is less than one-half, you are considered to be at a healthy weight. If it is more, you are at increased risk of developing health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or cardiovascular problems.

"Keeping your waist circumference to less than half your height can help increase life expectancy for every person in the world," says researcher Margaret Ashwell, PhD, of Ashwell Associates, in Hertfordshire, England.

What can you do? Figure out your waist to height ratio by using a measuring tape to find your height and waist circumference in inches. If your waist is larger than half of your height, consult with your physician for a health evaluation and plan the next steps, including adopting a healthier diet and exercise plan.

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