Blow Away Dieters' Smokescreens

Roadblocks surface through the course of every dieter’s weight loss program.  Some are legitimate issues they will need your help to overcome. Others are smokescreens or issues that seem real to the dieter – and may have held them back before – but are really excuses used to cover the underlying issues.

To effectively resolve a smokescreen, it’s important to recognize it and uncover the underlying issues. Some common smokescreens you may hear include:

I’m too busy to continue the program: In most cases, the dieter’s schedule and the schedule of the program are the same as they were when they began, so time shouldn’t be a problem now if it wasn’t before.  Remind him or her that people make time for what they consider a priority.I’m too stressed: Many times dieters use life’s troubles as reason to bring their weight loss journey to a halt.  However, stress is a part of life, and you can’t drop everything you’re doing because of it. And, one of the reasons the dieter may be stressed is because of their weight. Let him or her know that staying on the program and losing weight can help relieve their stress.There’s not enough variety of food: Most people are not diverse when it comes to what they regularly eat. Although it’s natural to get bored with repetition, boredom isn’t enough of a reason for a dieter to stop their program. Suggest additional products or different recipes using the products (see Robard’s recipe page [link] for ideas) to help them spice up their menu.It’s costing me too much money: Remind the dieter that gaining or fluctuating weight could increase the money spent on clothes, healthcare, and food, all of which cost more than the completion of the program. I’m not getting results anyway: Chances are if the dieter is getting no results, they aren’t following the plan closely. Dieters tend to make modifications to programs, but pay for it in diminished results. Ensure the dieter that if they have confidence in the program and confidence in themselves, they will see the changes they want.

By recognizing and helping resolve dieters’ smokescreens, you are helping them build a heightened sense of personal power. What they once viewed as immoveable obstacles are now properly labeled as figments of their imagination.

What other smokescreens have you heard and how have you helped dieters overcome them? Or, if you’re a dieter, what kind of smokescreens have you personally experienced? Share them in the comments below. 

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