Information On baby boy names and meanings (A)part(v)

Armen  Armenian/Hebrew          Armenian: A man from Armenia. Hebrew: A castle.
Armon  Hebrew                castle
Armstrong          Old English          A strong-armed warrior.
Arnall    Teutonic              A gracious eagle.
Arnaud                 Ruler of eagles.
Arne      Dutch    Eagle. Dutch form of Arnold.
Arnett   French  A little eagle.
Arnie                     Eagle.
Arnold  Teutonic              Strong as an eagle. A name introduced to England by the Normans.
Arnon   Hebrew                rushing stream
Aron      Hebrew                Exalted.
Aronne German/Italian Exalted.
Aroon   Thai        Of the dawn.
Arpiar    Armenian            sunny
Arran                     The name of a Scottish island. A boy or girl's name.
Arsen    Greek   strong
Arsenio                Greek   manly, virile
Art          Celtic     A rock.
Arthur   Celtic     A follower of Thor and strong as a bear.
Arthus  Welsh   bear hero, a rock
Artie      Celtic     A follower of Thor.
Arty                       A follower of Thor.
Aruiragus                             From Shakespeare's play Cymbeline.
Arun      Sanskrit                The dawn.
Arundel                Old English          He who dwells with the eagles.
Arunta  Aboriginal            A white cockatoo.
Arvad    Hebrew                The wanderer.
Arval      Latin      From the cultivated land.
Arvin     Teutonic              A friend of the people.
Arvind   Hindu   
Arviragus                             From Shakespeare's play Cymbeline.
Arwin    young, prince   
Asa         Hebrew/Japansese         Hebrew: The healer, a physician. A biblical name. Japanese: The morning. A boy or girl's name.
Ascot     Old English          One who lives in the East cottage.
Aseem  Hindu   
Ash                        Blessed, happy.
Ashburn               Old English          From the brook by the Ash tree.
Ashby   Old English          A farm by the Ash tree.
Asher    Hebrew                Blessed, happy.
Ashford                Old English          One who lives at the ford by the Ash tree.
Ashish   Hindu    blessings
Ashliegh               Old English          From the Ash tree.
Ashlin    Old English          A dweller by the Ash tree pool.
Ashok   Sanskrit                Without sadness.
Ashon   Ghanese              seventh-born son
Ashraf   Arabic   Honourable.
Ashton Old English          One who lives at the Ash tree farm.
Ashur    Hebrew                Black.
Ashutosh             Hindu   
Ashwin Hindu    strong horse
Ashwini                Hindu   
Asija      Hindu    a great sage, brother of Brihaspati
Asim      Arabic   The protector.
Askel     Norse    A divine cauldron.
Aslak     Norse    Divine sport.
Asparouh            Bulgarian             Paro, Pouro
Astin      unknown             strong Leader, trustworthy
Aston    Old English          From the eastern place.
Asuman               Hindu    lord of vital breaths
Asvathama         Hindu    sun of drona
Asvin     Hindu    (Nasatya and Dasra) gods of medicine
Aswad  Arabic   Black.
Aswin    Old English          A spear comrade or protector.
Asztrik  Hungarian           made from ashenwood
Atalik     Hungarian           Like his father.
Atarah  Hebrew                A crown. A boy or girl's name.
Atawn   Welsh   Harmony. Can be used as a form of Alan.
Athan    Greek   immortal
Atharvan             Hindu    knower of the Arthara vedas
Athelstan            Old English          A noble stone. The name of an early English king.
Atherol Old English          dweller at the spring farm
Atherton             Old English          One who lives at the spring farm.
Athol     Scottish Gaelic   New Ireland. A placename.
Athos    Greek   An alternative name for Zeus, the ruler of the heavens.
Atilla      Hungarian           beloved father
Atiu        Polynesian          The eldest.
Atlas      Greek   A mythological demigod who supported the sky on his shoulders.
Atley     Old English          From the meadow.
Atmajyoti            Hindu    light of Atma
Atman  Hindu    the self
Atrayl    Tray      
Atrus     Atrius   
Attila                     The warlike king of the Huns.
Attis       Greek   handsome boy
Atul        Hindu   
Atulya   Hindu   
Atwater               Old English          One who hides by the water.
Atwell   Old English          A dweller by the spring.
Atworth               Old English          From the farm.
Auberon              Teutonic              Noble.
Aubert  French  Noble and illustrious.
Aubin    French  Fair complexioned. A saint's name.
Aubrey Teutonic              The golden-haired ruler of the elves.
Auburn Latin      fair
Audric   French  An old, wise ruler.
Audun  Norwegian          deserted
Augustine           Latin      Belonging to Augustus. Venerable, the exalted one.
Augustus             Latin      Venerable, the exalted one. The name of the first great roman emperor.
Aurek    Polish    golden-haired
Aurelio Latin      gold
Aurelius               Latin      The golden one.
Austell                  The name of a Cornish Saint.
Austen                 Modern form of Augustine. Venerable, the exalted one.
Austin                   Modern form of Augustine. Venerable, the exalted one.
Autolucus                            From Shakespeare's play A Winter's Tale.
Avan      Hebrew                Proud.
Avel       Greek/Hebrew/Russian                Breath. A boy or girl's name.
Avenall Old French          A dweller in the Oat field.
Averell  Old English          The slayer of the boar.
Averill   Old English          boar-warrior
Avery    Old English          The ruler of the elves. A boy or girl's name.
Avinash                Hindu   
Aviv       Hebrew                Of the springtime.
Avner    Hebrew                The father of light. A biblical name.
Avon                     The name of an English county, and rivers in England and New Zealand.
Avram   Greek   The father of many.
Avrom  Hebrew                The father of many.
Axel       Teutonic from Hebrew  Source of all life.
Axton    Old English          The stone of the sword wielder.
Ayer      Old French          An heir.
Ayhner Old English          Noble and famous.
Aylward               Old English          An awe-inspiring guardian.
Aylwin  Teutonic              A noble friend.
Ayush   Hindu   
Azariah Hebrew                He whom the Lord helps.
Azi          Nigerian               A youth.
Azim      Arabic   Grand.
Aziz        Arabic   The powerful one.
Azriel     Hebrew                An angel of the Lord.
Azzan    Hebrew                Very strong.

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