info on Chinese baby gender predictor

History of ancient chinese gender chart

Ancient chinese gender chart calculator is the oldest method of baby gender prediction. It was discovered over 700 years ago in Beijing. Many people ask how accurate is the chinese pregnancy gender predictor. Chinese gender prediction charts claim to be accurate, however were not proven to be accurate, and are used mainly for entertainment purposes.

Ancient China came up with the ancient chinese gender predictor calculator because throughout history the chinese preferred boys over girls. In China, they always needed more farmers and soldiers. Boys would bring more money into the family by working in fields, while girls stayed home until they got married. China has also been through many wars, and they needed more soldiers. By creating lunar chinese pregnancy calendar boy or girl gender prediction chart and calculator, they were able to come up with the pregnancy chinese gender prediction chart that predicts the gender of the unborn baby. However, the free chinese baby gender chart predictors have never been scientifically proven. So when you wonder how accurate is the chinese calendar boy or girl predictor and calculator, keep in mind that they might not be accurate.

It is said that the ancient pregnancy chinese gender prediction chart was found in a royal tomb by a chinese scientist. Chinese gender calculator test was recently discovered, and now chinese table quiz predictions are used to predict the gender of the baby during pregnancy. Chinese gender calendar boy or girl chart is based on lunar calendar which shows dates according to the phases of the moon. Chinese lunar calendar baby predictor uses mother's chinese age at the time of conception and the month of conception. This baby gender prediction is based on the belief that women of the same age are more likely to conceive babies of the same gender. Chinese gender predictor calculator will predict your baby gender by using your Chinese lunar age. For example, according to chinese baby gender calculator, 21 year old women who conceive in January are more likely to conceive a boy.
Working with chinese gender predictor calculator

To use your chinese prediction calendar, simply select your chinese lunar age at the time of conception and the month of conception. Based on your selection, pregnancy chinese gender calender will show your baby gender. Chinese predictor chart will show if you will have a boy or girl during different months. Chinese gender test will display a table cross referencing your age and month of conception.

You can find different versions of chinese baby predictor online. Some sites that provide chinese baby sex prediction chart calculator will do the calculations and convert your age to chinese lunar age. If you don't use your chinese lunar age when using the chinese gender calculator predictor, baby gender prediction boy or girl results might not be accurate. This is one the most commonly used errors people make when using chinese pregnancy prediction gender chart. Another error you can make when using chinese gender predictor calculator is miscalculating the month of conception.
Chinese pregnancy calendar word variations

Ancient chinese birth gender chart comes in a few word variations such as chinese lunar calendar, chinese gender predictor, chinese ovulation calendar, or chinese sex prediction chart. Even though they are slightly different, they are all synonyms of chinese lunar pregnancy calendar. So if you come around chinese chart boy or girl baby gender predictor, don't get confused because at the end you will still end up with the same chinese baby gender predictor calendar.
How accurate chinese calendar boy or girl calculator

Even though chinese gender predictor chart is one of the easiest gender prediction methods and is well known, chinese baby sex predictor is not accurate and is used for entertainment purposes only.

The most accurate result is when at delivery your OBGYN doctor pronounces those magic words: "Congratulations, It's a Boy or Girl!" However, below you will find some gender determination methods that are close to 95% accuracy.
Rumours have it that this chart is over 90% accurate when used properly but please remember that this chart is for entertainment purposes only.

Please note, the only way to get an accurate baby gender prediction is via a medical test. An amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling test will be able to accurately predict the gender of your baby. Doctors will not perform these invasive tests just for the purpose of baby gender prediction.

Ultrasounds can provide a semi-accurate baby gender prediction as well, but wrong gender predictions are made regularly.

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