Tips for Women to Stay Slim and Healthy

One of the most important weight loss tips for women is to set realistic and achievable goals. Women must, first of all, realize that they are not young girls any more. It does not mean that they cannot look and feel good. However, it does mean that they should set practical goals about their weight and appearance. In simple words, a practical goal is something that can be attainable, not something that they wish. The best way of setting a realizable goal is to examine their bodies and their daily patterns, and then set realistic weight loss goal of about 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Deciding exactly how much weight they want to lose is another very important weight loss tip. Women usually get confused about the actual amount of weight that they want to lose. In order to arrive at a suitable amount of weight that they want to shed off, they must first know what the ideal weight is for a woman of their age and size. Health experts recommend that women should weigh about 100 pounds at a height of 5 feet. For women who are taller than this height should add another 5 pounds for each additional inch. If you're 5 feet 8 inches tall, the desirable body weight is approximately 140 pounds. Considering ideal weight, there is no general rule that applies to everyone. However, an ideal weight is that which is within a healthy range and makes you feel great about your body. The best way of arriving at an ideal weight is to first calculate your BMI and then based on that number, decide on a figure that you think best suits for you.

Women tend to have this wrong perception that if they lose a few extra pounds, all their problems will be solved, and they will feel better all the time. This is just not true. Losing weight is only a part of the solution. There are other important aspects of life other than losing weight.

Contrary to most belief, numbers are not always right. While evaluating the results of your weight-loss program, you should not always rely on the numbers. The real result is the number of inches that you lose from your different body parts. If you see that the numbers on the scale have decreased yet your body looks and feels the same as before, then, you should increase the time and intensity of your exercise. Exercise helps in losing fat and building muscles that make you look slimmer and fitter.

Another good tip for women is to break out from their daily routines. Women have so many things to look after during the course of the day which include family, work, kids and the house. This leaves them exhausted with very little time for themselves. The best way of breaking this daily routine is to exercise on a regular basis and set time to take part in physical activities that they enjoy doing.

One of the most important diet tips for women who wanted to lose weight or stay slim is to increase their fiber intakes in their daily diets. To lose weight, build your meals with fruits and veggies as the healthy substitutions that are naturally low in calories and fat. By filling up on fiber, you will tend to feel less hungry, but more satisfied instead.

Besides setting realistic goals, get moving and filling up your diet with fiber, water intake is also very important for weight loss. Water helps the body's systems function correctly, and help to increase the body's metabolism. This can encourage greater weight loss and can complement your other weight-loss strategies. The average person needs at least eight, 8-oz. glasses of water every day, and if you are exercising regularly you will need even more. To help you receiving an adequate amount of water during the day, keep a water bottle with you wherever you go.A

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