Jennifer Love Hewitt's Diet and Exercise Tips for Staying Healthy

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Diet and Exercise Tips for Staying Healthy - Shed Your Weight

Once hailed as One Of the Hottest in the World, Singer-actress Jennifer Love Hewitt found herself at the center of a media frenzy a few years back when unflattering photographs of her got out. The photos, showed her cellulite on the thighs and a few pounds weight gain. Humiliated and angry, the star got her revenge on critics when she unveiled a slimmer and more lean figure in record time.

"I quit piling up food on the fridge." Jennifer shares. "I got rid of the food that I know would tempt me late at night."

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s diet contains 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. She has nutritionist Sant’ Angelo to keep close watch over her, recommending whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean proteins.

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s exercise regimen includes cardio work outs and toning exercise such as kettlebell weight, bicep curls, squats, kickbacks, and full body planks at least four times a week.

"I fall asleep feeling beautiful." Jennifer says. "I look this way because I’m supposed to. If we all look the same it’d be boring."

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