Dania Ramirez's Diet and Exercise Secrets: Get a Body like Hers!

Dominican actress Dania Ramirez, best known for her role as Callisto in the top-grossing movie X-men: The Last Stand is a certified femme fatale with her stunning beauty and fab body. Here, she dishes about her secrets to achieving that fit figure.

"Well, I do a lot of running." She says a-matter-of-factly. "I’ve always been sporty, and I make sure to eat right."

Dania Ramirez’s diet is the South Beach Eating Plan, which goal is to look for a healthy balance in between carbohydrates and fats. This diet stops the intake of any highly processed foods, sweets and soft drinks.

"It’s not at all hard to follow." Dania says, referring to her diet. "You just stick to the recommended foods."

Dania Ramirez’s exercise routine includes cardio exercises and strength training focusing on her lower body to keep it strong and well-toned.

"Aside from all the running, I needed to get fit because of the stunts." She says. "My character in Heroes had some really cool stunts, I didn’t want to look weak and unprepared."

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