2 Months Without Sugar And Gluten

Exactly 2 months ago to date I decided that I was never going to eat sugar or gluten again.
The reason: I simply can not control myself… AT ALL… if I eat these foods.
For me, these foods lead to an endless vicious cycle of cravings, binges and relapses and end up ruining my health, my looks and my self-esteem along with it.
I am a food addict, and as it is with other substances of abuse, there can be NONE of it.
One bite and I’m out. Back to full-blown addiction.

If a food has sugar, corn syrup, gluten or wheat anywhere on the label I won’t touch it. Not a bite, not a sniff.
The results have been nothing short of amazing.
First of all, my cravings for junk food are almost gone.
It happens occasionally that I get a craving for something sweet after dinner, but it usually doesn’t last very long and it is easy to ignore.
I’m never really hungry and I’m now able to do some self-experimentation with my diet, which I wasn’t able to do before because I’d always end up binging and ruining it.
I almost never eat more than 2 meals per day now. Fasting is effortless, I’ve gone for 24 hours at a time without food at several occasions and it was incredibly easy.
Eating low-carb, along with complete abstinence from sugar and gluten, is a real appetite killer. At least in my case.
I had lost about 18 pounds of weight without trying very hard, but then I started having problems with nut butters.
For about a week or so, I’d eat an entire jar in the evening after dinner.
I have now abandoned the peanut butter and put it in a “hazard” category. It’s not as problematic for me as sugar and gluten, but if I eat it I tend to eat way too much and I tend to crave it the next day.
So… that was one setback, which is now over.
After my little peanut butter adventure (which made me gain back about 4 pounds) I started becoming more strict with my diet and began a little experimentation.
I did the slow-carb diet (from the 4 Hour Body) for two weeks. It worked pretty well and I felt satiated on it, but I needed to restrict calories for it to work.
Since then, I’ve been doing a full-blown ketogenic diet which has given me amazing results in a short amount of time. I will dedicate an entire post to my experiences with it soon.
But if I hadn’t completely given up sugar and gluten, I probably would never have been able to do these experiments with my diet. Not a chance, really. I’d never have lasted more than a week.
Today, I feel awesome, I’m sleeping great and don’t get tired at all in the afternoon, I feel ridiculously sharp mentally along with various other benefits.
I have to say that making the decision to go completely abstinent from sugar and gluten was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
As of today, I’ve lost 10 kg (22 pounds) and about 11 cm (4.3 inches) off of my waist.
The more weight I’ve lost, the more weight I’ve realized I have left.
3 months in, I’m only half way there… I’ve set a goal to get under 10% body fat.
Here are a few progress pics, at 15,8% body.

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